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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and ultrasound features of 30 patients with Kaposi's sarcoma treated al Lighthouse clinic

From: Ultrasound findings in Kaposi sarcoma patients: overlapping sonographic features with disseminated tuberculosis

Baseline characteristics

Sex, male/female, n (%)

22/8 (73/27)

Median age (IQR)

39 (34–45)

Median body mass index (kg/m2) (IQR)

21.4 (20.4–23.5)

HIV positive, n (%)

29 (97)

CD4 T-cell count (cells/mm3)a

192 (109–300)

ART status

 ART not yet started, number (%)

12 (40)

 ART < 6 months, n (%)

10 (33)

 ART > 6 months, n (%)

7 (23)

KS staging

 Skin lesions T0, n (%)

10 (33)

 Skin lesions T1, n (%)

20 (67)

 Oral lesions, n (%)

17 (60)

 Leg edema, n (%)b

20 (67)

 CXR suggestive for KS lung involvement, n (%)c

10 (40)

Ultrasound features (n, %)d


20 (67)

  Inguinal lymphadenopathy

20 (67)

  Abdominal lymphadenopathy

3 (10)

  Axillary lymphadenopathy

1 (3)


8 (27)

  Pleural effusion

6 (20)


4 (13)

  Pericardial effusion

1 (3)

Echogenic focal liver lesions

6 (20)


3 (10)

Focal spleen lesions

3 (10)

Sponge pattern of splenic vasculature

3 (10)

Echogenic portal fields

2 (7)


1 (3)

  1. n number, IQR interquartile range, ART antiretroviral therapy
  2. aData available for 27 patients
  3. bIncluding one patient with concomitant periorbital edema
  4. cData available for 25 patients
  5. dAll percentages are presented as the percentage of the total number of patients included
  6. eAll were mild cases of splenomegaly (13–14 cm)