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Table 1 Ultrasound-based teaching sessions

From: Introduction of ultrasound-based living anatomy into the medical curriculum: a survey on medical students’ perceptions

Anatomy practicals for MD degree

 Practical session 1

Introduction to the ultrasound equipment

 Practical session 2

Identification of the four chambers of the heart using ultrasound and A.I. (APEX 4 chamber view)

 Practical session 3

Anatomy of the heart and vessels using ultrasound. Identification of the heart valves using ultrasound (Parasternal Long and Short Axis views)

 Practical session 4

Interpretation of a basic ultrasound lungs examination

Anatomy practicals for MBBS degree

 Practical session 1

Introduction to the ultrasound equipment—Carotid arteries (Neck vasculature ultrasound)

 Practical session 2

Interpretation of a basic ultrasound lungs examination