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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 51 patients included in the study

From: Correlation of carotid blood flow and corrected carotid flow time with invasive cardiac output measurements

Baseline characteristics

Number (%)

Mean age in years ± standard deviation

59.6 ± 16.3



39 (76)


12 (24)

Body mass index (kg/m2) ± standard deviation

26.3 ± 5.9

History of

 Diabetes mellitus

13 (25)


26 (51)


22 (43)

 Coronary artery disease

17 (33)

 Prior angioplasty and/stent placement

7 (14)

 Prior coronary bypass surgery

4 (8)

 Stroke or transient ischemic attacks

11 (22)

 Atrial fibrillation

13 (25)

 Moderate or severe aortic insufficiency

1 (2)

 Moderate or severe aortic stenosis

5 (10)

Indication for right heart catheterization

 Diagnostic right heart catheterization only

24 (47)

 Cardiac biopsy

27 (53)

Cardiac output measurement method


44 (86)

 Fick oxygen method

7 (14)

Vascular access

 Internal jugular

40 (78)

 Forearm (cephalic or basilic)

5 (10)


6 (12)