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Table 3 Themes identified in qualitative analysis of student comments

From: Integrating a self-directed ultrasound curriculum for the internal medicine clerkship


No. of comments (%)

Representative quotation

Positives of Curriculum



Medical decision-making and patient care

18 (40%)

“Having the US literally helped save someone’s life with a pericardial effusion who was moving toward tamponade.”

Opportunities for independent practice were valuable

8 (18%)

“Opportunities to practice with patients”

General ultrasound skill

7 (16%)

“Improved my ultrasound skills”

Understanding of anatomy and pathophysiology

5 (11%)

“We ultrasounded almost every patient and the pathophysiology I was supposed to be seeing made so much sense”

Student value on the medical team

4 (9%)

“It was an excellent way for me to shine during patient presentations, even table rounds when I was able to show the clips”

Assignments, online modules, and asynchronous feedback were valuable

3 (7%)

“The feedback I got from Dr. Cotton about my image submissions was EXTREMELY helpful”

Barriers to Learning



Equipment access and functionality

10 (21%)


Gel Availability

5 (11%)

“Wasn’t sure where to get ultrasound gel at first”

Probe Availability

3 (6%)

“We had to share probes which made it hard”

Ipad/App Functionality

1 (2%)

“Trouble with iPads and butterfly app”

Image Quality

1 (2%)

“The images I get on the nice ultrasound machines are nothing like the ones I get using the Butterfly”

Insufficient instruction and feedback

10 (27%)

“ I appreciate the effort that has been put into teaching us about ultrasounds, but it’s still just not nearly enough for me to be able to use them in a way that is useful to patient care”


7 (19%)

“Finding time during the day to use it”

Faculty ultrasound knowledge and enthusiasm

6 (16%)

“Some attendings were excited about it, others didn’t really care that it was available”

Fear of harming or burdening patients

4 (11%)

“I found it difficult to explain to patients that I was going to ultrasound them exclusively for my own learning”